Introductory Physics [Physics 1301a, section 2]
Silvia Mittler
Introductory Physics [Physics 1301a, section 2]
September 2011 - December 2011: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 13:30-14:30 WSC 55
by Silvia Mittler, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UWO, WSC 09, tel: (519) 661-2111 ext 88592,
office hours: Mo-Th: 9:00 -17:00, Fr: 9:00 - 12:00, e-mail:
For up-to-date information, announcements, examples, exercises and any other course realated items please see OWL WEB CT for the course.
Textbook: Halliday & Resnick, 9th Edition, Wiley (2011): Fundamentals of Physics
Content: . Kinematics, force and motion, energy, linear momentum, rotation, torque and angular momentum, gravitation, fluids.
- Description of examinations
- one 3-hour midterm
- one 3 hour final
- Description of major assignments
- 4 out of 5 quizzes
- lab portion of course
Mark distribution
- Midterm 35 %
- Final: 35 %
- Quizzes: 15 %
- Labs: 15 %
- Course Calendar / Schedule
- Midterm: October (details to be announced on OWL WEB CT)
- Final: during the December exam period (details to be announced on OWL WEB CT)
- Course Policies
- Attendance at lectures is optional.
- Missed final exam: Documentation must be provided to the academic counselors in your faculty in order for you to receive permission to write a make-up (usually scheduled for May 1 – plan your travel accordingly!). If you miss the make-up, again documentation must be provided, and you will then write the exam at the next sitting of this course's final exam (typically one year later).
- Religious holidays: A student who, due to unavoidable conflicts with religious holidays which (a) require an absence from the University or (b) prohibit or require certain activities ( i.e. , activities that would make it impossible for the student to satisfy the academic requirements scheduled on the day(s) involved) , is unable to write examinations and term tests on a Sabbath or Holy Day in a particular term shall give notice of this fact in writing to his or her Dean as early as possible but not later than November 15th for mid-year examinations and March 1st for final examinations, i.e., approximately two weeks after the posting of the mid-year and final examination schedule respectively. In the case of mid-term tests, such notification is to be given in writing to the instructor within 48 hours of the announcement of the date of the mid-term test. The instructor(s) in the case of mid-term tests and the dean in the case of mid-year and spring final examinations will arrange for special examination(s) to be written at another time. In the case of mid-year and spring final examinations, the accommodation must occur no later than one month after the end of the examination period involved. It is mandatory that students seeking accommodations under this policy give notification before the deadlines, and that the Faculty accommodate these requests. The list of approved dates is given in .
- Academic misconduct:
- Cheating: University policy states that cheating is a scholastic offence which can result in an academic penalty (which may include expulsion from the program). If you are caught cheating, there will be no second warning. Cheating includes having available any electronic devices other than a watch and the approved model Sharp calculator. You may not have a cell phone accessible during tests or exams, even to use it as a calculator or watch. Possession or use of more than one clicker during a lecture will be considered cheating. Complete information on the University policies on academic offenses can be found in the Undergraduate section of this document .
- Plagiarism: Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words. Whenever students take an idea or a passage from another author, they must acknowledge their debt both by using quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing (such as footnotes or citations). Plagiarism is a major academic offence. For more details, see this document .
If you are unable to meet a course requirement due to illness or other
serious circumstances, you must provide valid medical or other
supporting documentation to the Dean's office as soon as possible and
contact your instructor immediately. It is the student's responsibility
to make alternative arrangements with their instructor once the
accommodation has been approved and the instructor has been informed. In
the event of a missed final exam, a "Recommendation of Special
Examination" form must be obtained from the Dean's Office immediately.
For further information please see:
A student requiring academic accommodation due to illness should use
the Student Medical Certificate when visiting an off-campus medical
facility or request a Record's Release Form (located in the Dean's
Office) for visits to Student Health Services.
The form can be found here:
Accessibility Statement
Please contact the course instructor if you require material in an alternate format or if any other arrangements can make this course more accessible to you. You may also wish to contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at 661-2111 x 82147 for any specific question regarding an accommodation.
Last revised: May 2011